Leather backpacks are the bags that you would like to carry for trekking and college purposes. This backpack gives you a modern school style at its finest, which marks you first through thick and thin.
One zipper pocket to keep cards and phones. Our Premium Backpack Bag also gives you a separate small pocket for holding small things like pens, small diaries, and cards. After all these, our bag offers one compartment on the backside with a zipper-lock pattern. Soft, padded, extendable shoulder straps.
Salient Features
- Premium Buffalo Leather Backpack
- Heavy handle on top to carry, high-quality brass hardware, YKK zippers
- Well-stitched with complex nylon thread.
- Can carry a 14-inch, 14.5-inch, and 15-inch laptop
- Strong and not easy to damage, adjustable shoulder straps
- Compartment: 1 large interior compartment, 1 padded laptop compartment, 1 zipped inner pocket, open inner pockets for small essentials like cards, pens, and phone pockets, and one zipped pocket on the backside.
- Color: Hickory Brown
Size Available
- 16W x 12H x 4.5D inches / 40.64 x 30.48 x 11.43 cm